Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Little Spring in My Step

I did a minor spring-overhaul of my listings on Etsy. I thought the scarves and shawls would look better pictured on people than just rolled up, so I enlisted the help of my friends and had an awesome photo shoot. I added all the new pics and new items today, and so in celebration of that AND the fact that today is the first Official Day of Spring, I've decided to offer a 5% discount off all items in the shop! Visit and like my Facebook page for the code to enter at checkout!

Here's to hoping the weather warms up soon!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Commission: Hello Kitty Hat

Hello Kitty in awesome hat form! Featuring Ear Flaps and long strings to tie on a windy day. Contact me if you're interested in one of these for yourself!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Baby Giraffe

I was asked to do a completely different commission - a photo-prop outfit for an infant. Believe it or not this is the first project I made for a baby, so as I worked on it I constantly reveled at how small it was! I think the adorable little guy wearing it (and the outfit) turned out adorable, so I thought I'd share!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Goomy from Pokemon

I made a Goomy Pokemon as a gift for Christmas! Luckily I recorded the pattern, so look for this little guy to be added to my store soon!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pacman and his lady

Another fun commission! I love making Video Game characters, it's fun to watch them come alive on my hook.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wumpa Fruit Commission

Here's a Wumpa Fruit I was commissioned to make. Wumpa Fruit are found in the Crash Bandicoot games for the Playstation consoles. I had to dye/hand paint the yarn to get the colors needed. As a bonus, after dying it with Koolaid, it now smells fruity too!

Here's an example of what they look like in game:

Now there's something I never knew I'd end up making!